As a professional in communication and PR, I master the promotion of cultural activities and creations. How? By using the most relevant tools. With experience, I became a link builder. I give everything (and more) to showcase artists and cultural achievements. To try me, is it to adopt me in an (un) limited package?
See otherwise
As a PR journalist, I have proven experience in producing articles and documented interviews on multiple artistic expressions. With me, cinema, photography, the performing arts (dance, theatre, performance, music, opera), the visual arts and literature are approached in depth and in a deliberately accessible way. I also write on subjects related to the defence of human rights.
Long duration
Critical passer, my wish is to enter into a dynamic dialogue with artistic activity. In this way, transmit the taste, the stakes, the ability to question cultural achievements. For the reader, the spectator and the Internet user, why not suggest ideas, paths, arouse images and thoughts and encourage an imagination as well as a reflection on certain realities?
I am from the Mila, Angelina, Marina, Leonardo, Tom and Brad generation. And continue with enthusiasm, curiosity and dynamic listening this journalistic activity for more than a quarter of a century. This for several media and publications, including Le Courrier, Gauchebdo, La Cité, Mouvement, Danser. Canal historique. My career path is rich with 3000 articles and interviews published.
What people say about me
Core Skills
Communication Side
Through a long experience, I have acquired, for you, the key elements of a communication and promotion strategy with administrative management (budget, planning...). as communication officer, PR, as well as the educational sector and partnerships within several cultural institutions. Thus for the Théâtre de Carouge, the Grütli as well as the Puppets of Geneva. Not to mention the Museums of Art and History (MAH) and Red Cross Museum (MICR)-Geneva.
I can follow and stimulate requests from local, national and international media. To promote cultural institutions and creations. My missions include maintaining close contact and organizing events with key local media (press conference, presence at previews…). I also produce promotional and information texts (flyers, program brochures, press, pedagogical and production documents, content feeds for websites and social networks) for online and offline communication.
Conducting media monitoring, identifying trends (use of social media) or essential news for the client are among my priority tasks. Thanks to a continuous training in digital PR, I was able to consolidate a demanding know-how. It allows me to support the development of an employer, to increase his/her notoriety and reputation. Not to mention strengthening his/her communities.
Content creation side
For the past 28 years, I have been covering current events in many artistic expressions - visual art, cinema, photography, music, dance, theatre, literature - for about ten media. Interviews, portraits, critical articles and investigations no longer hold any secrets for me. I also write on social themes: human rights, gender equality, environment...
My versatility allows me a wide range of media collaborations. For example, the daily newspaper Le Courrier and the weekly newspaper Gauchebdo. I am the only journalist writing in altogether photography, film, dance and theatre, music and literature. But also Le Journal de l'ADC, La Cité and, from 1991 to 2016, Scènes Magazine. Multidisciplinary web media appreciate my informed approach to dance and photography (Mouvement and Danser. Canal historique). Finally, I explore social and cultural topics for Swissinfo, La Cité and Geneva Business News.